viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


In my first two years as student of architecture in the faculty of architecture and urbanism (FAU), I have seen things that I don’t liked because the price of tariff Is very high to receive a faculty like FAU. One of the most important to me is the actual state of the faculty, his infrastructure left so much to wish, for example the access to people with disability, we don’t have ramps and elevator so for these students is very difficult move here, that is very embarrassing to an architecture faculty.

 Other case are the spaces to work, to a student of architecture, design or geography is very common work in a computer but in FAU the connection to electricity sometimes is very difficult because some classrooms don’t have sufficient plugs. The calefaction have the same problem, in winter the classrooms are very cold and in summer is very warm.  
               Imagen relacionada Resultado de imagen para facultad de arquitectura y urbanismo universidad de chile
                                         Contrasts: FAU vs Beauchef

One of the important aspects of the infrastructure in a life of student are the spaces to distraction, in those areas we can socialize and distract of our responsibilities for a short time, but is necessary to improve the cafeteria, “pircas” and the vegetable garden because sometimes that spaces don’t responding to capacity and in visual aspect are very ugly.

Resultado de imagen para facultad de arquitectura y urbanismo universidad de chile

For last, I thing that the career consume a lot of time because the demand in some subjects is very high, and that can result very frustrating to the student because a lot don’t have time to realize activities of a normal life, for example practice any sport or hobbies.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Personal Opinions

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?
I like the soccer and the show but the last years the “barras bravas” has win relevance for the violence and in some cases, we finish talk about them and not about the soccer. I think is an important problem especially in Latin America, because is recurrent see in the news injured or death people, so we need as a society to ask for laws that toughen the penalties for those who do harm in sporting events.
 Resultado de imagen para barras bravas incidentes

What is your opinion about recycling?
The recycling is the answer if the humanity want live for more time, that is simple. To achieve that we need the conscience of the great industries because they are the principal responsible of produce millions of polluting waste. Save the environment is work off all, but if the industries and governments don’t cooper the human race will disappear.

Resultado de imagen para reciclaje
What is your opinion about televisión?
The television is one of the most important media of communication of the last years, but I critic the Chilean television because I think that the content in my opinion is more bad , some programs educate and inform to the people but the majority of program don’t contribute to the Chilean society for example, tarot, the personal life of celebrities, and news that don’t interest to nobody.

Resultado de imagen para primer plano chv

What is your opinion about the US, Chilean, Argentine, and Brazilian far right governments and how they will impact our neighboring countries?
First I don’t think that actual chilean government is of far right like in Brazil or US and I do not consider myself right, I feel more comfortable in the center left and is for that  I have a critical vision, I blame the same left as responsible for the people's preference for those governments, because people have grown tired of some populist ideas and it's obvious they're going to want something different, even when they don't see the negative effects they bring.

Resultado de imagen para bolsonaro y kast